Clarifying Purpose. Fostering Growth. Fueling Impact.

Maximize Your Potential


Growth Point Perspective exists to empower Christian women to step into the fullness of their potential through a renewed perspective and a call to climb higher toward the plans, purpose, and presence of God.

Meet the Team

Free 10-Day Confidence Accelerator Program 

Receive instant access to a program designed to help you identify and pursue key growth areas that make greater confidence possible.


Click here to begin your journey toward greater personal confidence.


"I just viewed your video of your presentation summary of your dissertation.  WOW! For years I have always pondered the thought of why believers in Christ lacked the confidence to grow and develop in God's image and fulfill His plan and purpose for their life."


"I am so moved because of the timing of this Confidence presentation. Just this week, I just applied up for my lifelong dream of getting a PhD in Biblical Theology. I am living your presentation right now. My life-script has undoubtedly led me to this moment, and I am so excited to step into this."


"I really appreciated your presentation on "Personal Confidence." I know that your research focus was on females, but I saw many applications to my own journey with "confidence."

Watch the Presentation

Meet Claudia!

Wife. Mom. Passionate Educator.

Claudia has a heart for helping you grow in your faith. She believes that life is not just a journey, but rather a rugged climb to heights. With her adventurous spirit, she is all in, committed to living a life that pursues the presence and purposes of God even in this crazy, mixed-up world.

Whether you are looking to deepen your faith, navigate life's challenges, or find your true calling, Claudia is here to support you every step of the way.

Meet the Team

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