How Confident Are You? 

Far too many people today struggle with:

Feelings of inadequacy, deep-rooted insecurities, endless striving, perfectionism, nagging self-doubts, fear of what other people think, and pervasive negative self-talk. 

According to the research, this is ESPECIALLY true for women!

So, to help you better understand your own level of personal confidence, we have designed a multidimensional, research-based survey that will not only show you where you might be struggling, but will help you identify key areas where you can start to build your confidence today!

Take the Survey




How Confident Are You?


Far too many people today struggle with:

Feelings of inadequacy, deep-rooted insecurities, endless striving, perfectionism, nagging self-doubts, fear of what other people think, and pervasive negative self-talk. 

According to the research, this is ESPECIALLY true for women!

So, to help you better understand your own level of personal confidence, we have designed a multidimensional, research-based survey that will not only show you where you might be struggling, but will help you identify key areas where you can start to build your confidence today! 

Click HERE to take the Survey

A Dimensional Look at Personal Confidence


Watch a short presentation about Claudia's doctoral research on confidence.



Download the Resource 

Free 10-Day Confidence Accelerator Program 

Receive instant access to a program designed to help you identify and pursue key growth areas that make greater confidence possible.

Get Started!

Click here to begin your journey towards greater personal confidence! 

"I just viewed the video of your presentation summary of your dissertation. WOW! For years I have always pondered the thought of why believers in Christ lacked the confidence to grow and develop in God's image and fulfill His plan and purpose for their life." 


"I am moved by the timing of this presentation. Just this week, I just applied up for my lifelong dream of getting a PhD in Biblical Theology. I am living your presentation right now. My life-script has undoubtedly led me to this moment, and I am so excited to step into this." 


Gain insight into your individual confidence profile and determine your position across the seven diverse dimensions of confidence. 

Take the Multidimensional Self-Confidence Survey