Accessing Peace in an Anxious World


With so many people struggling with anxiety, we are going to address how we can access the peace that only comes from God.

While we can’t change our genetics, our past life events, or maybe even some of our brain chemistry.. we know a God who knows the ins-and-outs of our bodies, he formed us in our mother’s womb, and he knows all of our days before any of them came to be (Ps. 139). So we look to him as we deal with rising levels of anxiety in this generation and time.

We are so thankful to serve a God who does not leave us hanging in our struggles. And what we really are going to get down into today is how we can access a peace that isn’t humanly produced. This is a peace that can only come from God, a peace that without access to Jesus, we would not come to by ourselves. 

Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. Then the peace of God, which transcends our understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.”

Paul describes how we can access the peace that Paul is even himself experiencing as he sits in a Roman jail cell. Paul has peace that transcends human understanding...even in the face of death.

It seems as though Paul models what peace from God can do to us in any circumstance. Look how he says in chapter 1: “Now I want you to know brothers that what has happened to me has actually resulted in the advance of the gospel” (Phil. 1:12). Paul is not looking at his circumstances with worry and sadness, he is actually focused on what God is doing in and through his circumstance. This is what peace from God helps us do!

So how do we access this peace that only comes from God?

  1. First, it’s very clear: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with prayer and petition."  We begin with prayer. Prayer is just speaking with God..speak with him about what is going on. Speak with him about the circumstances or the feelings you’re experiencing. He cares, he is is there to listen.
  2. The second is petition. Petitioning God is making requests to God. To access this peace we have to engage with God in the details of our situation, asking that He would do something about it and through it.
  3. In bringing our prayers and petitions to God, the next piece is thanksgiving. In your prayers to God, take time to think about what you’re thankful for and then actually thank God for those things.
  4.  Now, we get the access to God’s peace. It says, “And then the peace of God, which transcends our understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.” The peace God gives to us surpasses our understanding, this peace will give us a supernatural calm, a supernatural assurance and grounding.

Peace is hard to find. The statistics show us that much. This peace is a hidden treasure that so many seek after to no real end and no true satisfaction. As a person filled with peace, when you walk into a room there is often a noticeable difference about you right of the bat. This peace from God surpasses all our human understanding.

Accessing this peace can be how other people are drawn into a relationship with Jesus.

As you continue to climb friend, we hope you’ll access the peace of God that with protect you and guide you through whatever comes onto your path as you journey towards the plans, purposes, and presence of God.

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