How Do I Know if I Need a Fresh Perspective?


Over the last 7 months, we’ve talked a lot about issues like shame, anxiety, fear, insecurity, faith, and resiliency that are essentially by-products of our perspectives. But, we’ve not yet discussed how someone can diagnose a limited perspective. This is so important because we can sometimes be the last one to realize we have a major blind spot in our way of thinking or point of view.

We know that each person has a distinct perspective (or view point) that is informed by their own unique life script (which is the accumulation of their unique experiences, background, personality, etc.).

A person’s current vantage point is going to greatly impact their perspective and even their ability to see…much like the altitude of a plane is going to determines the passenger’s view. In the context of everyday life, this might look like a person on a very tight income thinking that a $7 cup of coffee is outrageous. But, give that same person a few million dollars and they may suddenly think nothing of dropping a $100 on a cup of Kopi Luwak (that coffee with a really unique harvesting method).

We have to realize that our current station and season of life will significantly impact what we see when we look out the window of our lives. 

Perspectives are not just pliable, but they are highly impressionable.This is why someone with a strong opinion can become desensitized to something over time. It's just the reality of life. 

Where Do We Start?

First and foremost, we may not always be able to tell when something is a bit skewed in our thinking. We have to understand that we are going to have to do some regular maintenance on our attitudes & beliefs. And honestly, things like talking with friends, reading, listening to podcasts, teachings, praying, taking in Scripture…these are all things that can help tweak or realign our perspectives at times.

But, then there are those times when something isn’t just a bit skewed. It’s totally out of alignment.

Below, we have compiled a list of 15 common indicators of a limited or dysfunctional perspective. 

14 Indicators of a Dysfunctional Perspective

  1. You frequently have emotional reactions that outweigh your circumstances. 
  2. You are unwilling to consider the intentions of others as you process disappointments or hurts.
  3. You continually refuse to forgive or find yourself stuck in unforgiveness.
  4. You constantly need your side validated.
  5. You tend to take things personally and default to self-pity…and an accompanying a sense of victimization. 
  6. You tend to ruminate over fantasy outcomes (or circumstances).
  7. You ruminate or are fixated over various conflict response scenarios.
  1. You have tunnel vision and disregard the people, sound advice, differing opinions, warning signs, and general principles of cause & effect.
  2. You treat your boundaries & priorities more like menu items than policy statements.
  3. You are isolating or medicating.
  4. You adopt a residing sense of pessimism about your life, your future, or your value.
  5. You act negativity and or with cynicism toward a particular group or individual.
  6.  You barricade yourself inside your comfort zone, refusing to try new things or let down your guard.
  7. You consistently justify your poor choices. 

Simple awareness of this reality is the first step. So, if you're reading this, you're already here!

Second, we need to accept the fact that we are all going to falter in our perspectives from time-to-time. No one is immune. We are all going to need a “come to our senses” moment or maybe quite a few of those moments along the way!


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