The Higher Journey


Welcome to the Climbing Fierce Podcast, a podcast dedicated to helping devoted Christ followers to ascend higher toward the plans, purposes, and presence of God. We are so excited to have you join us as we develop this resource that we pray will have a profound impact on our fellow travelers on this journey through life.  

With so many great podcasts out there, we had to consider if another podcast was necessary. (We felt like we were looking at a full buffet and thinking…"oh, let’s just cram a few more items onto the table!"). And yet, we could not escape the reality that even with the amazing tools and resources available, there were so many who were not finding their way to the table.  

Here are just a few US stats revealing the need and hurt among believers today:

  • Nearly 30% of have experienced some measure of notable trauma
  • Nearly 60% of all young women are feeling persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • 60-80% of adolescent and adult men use pornography on a monthly basis. (40-60% women)
  • 1 person commits suicide every 11 minutes in America
  • 1 in 3 girls are sexually assaulted before the age of 18 (1 in 5 women)
  • ¼ of all adults fear being attacked in their own neighborhoods
  • Men have started seeking therapy in numbers we’ve never seen before… with one of the primary reasons being they feel “lost and confused.”

These are alarming stats, but we have not lost hope! We pray that this podcast offers wisdom, training, and resources to bring restoration and healing to the both individuals and the church at large.

If you're planning on joining us here weekly, welcome! We want to share three images with you that will guide and shape our future episodes: 

1. The Image of a Mountain

The imagery of Habakkuk 3:19 presents a clear idea that a profound transformation process will occur in those whom God is drawing to the heights. It will be deep, it will be wide, and it will pervade the fabric of one’s life.  But it is complex and counterintuitive. This means that it will not follow the standard rules of human logic. This supernatural process will exceed and even defy our finite understanding at times. And without some clarity/instruction/direction it is easy to turn aside from this shaping work.But, the bottom line is: the Shepherd is calling us higher and He is one one who is leading and guiding this process. 

2. The Image of a Cockpit

For Christians and non-Christians alike, there is an expectation that we’re supposed to intuitively know how to drive and direct our lives as we navigate this journey of life. Few people recognize or understand the complexity of this process. Many people end up going through the day-to-day events and processes of life with more of a survive than thrive mindset. Very little attention is given to the gauges, instruments, and resources we have at our disposal to “drive” our lives in a purposeful and intentional manner. Our hope is that this podcast will help those who feel like they are afloat on the sea of life to flip the script and begin to see themselves as pilots of a vessel the they can purposefully drive & direct.

3. The Image of a Cockpit

God’s word is clear: Christ is coming back, and He is going to do so as a bridegroom returning for his bride.  But, the fact is that she is not ready. She is here. But, she is in survival mode because she is under attack. As a result, she is bruised, bound, confused, and in many ways destitute. She is far from her potential. A key role of those who know the Lord in this day and age is to come together to collaboratively ready his bride. So, While this podcast will seek to enable individual Christians to ascend higher on their journey to the heights of God’s plans and purposes, it will also offer a call to action to band together in a collaborative effort to ready the Bride. 

To wrap up, we want to quickly highlight who specifically this podcast is for. This podcast is for you if...

  1. You want more from your faith journey. 
  2. You feel discouraged by the challenges of life.
  3. You feel stuck in your faith.
  4. You feeling alone or detached from a resonating devout community  

We can't wait to walk this journey and climb these heights with you!

Resources Mentioned in the Episode

Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard

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