Write For Us

Climbing Fierce & GrowthPointPerspective are launching Rising Strong: Empowering Christian Women on their Walk of Faith, a new bi-weekly blog dedicated to women of faith who are seeking to climb higher toward the plans, purpose, and presence of God.

This blog will highlight the highs, lows, challenges, rewards, and processes of this amazing adventure. This will be a contributor’s blog, so all entries will come from ministry friends and participants who want to share significant insights and experiences from their faith journey.

Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions must be 500-700 words, free of mechanical errors, in alignment with Scripture, and formatted according to the template below. Exceptions may be made if approved by our editors.
  • Please submit your post as a Word document (.doc, .docx) or a link to a Google document.
  • We encourage the use of section headers to organize content and guide the reader.
  • All blog posts should be submitted to [email protected]

 Blog Submission Template

    Title: __________________________________

  • Introductory Paragraph
    • Under 150 words
    • Introduce topic
    • Present the “need” you want to address (or the “why”) behind your post
  • Body of Post
    • 300-500 words
    • Make sure to address the need, problem, or issue that you are targeting
    • Provide tips, encouragement, biblical support, etc.
  • Conclusion
    • Provide a summary, word of encouragement, or call to action related to your topic
  • Author’s Note
    • Provide a 30-50 word statement about yourself and where others can follow you.

Submission Response

Submitted works will be reviewed by the GrowthPoint editorial team. Our editors will do their best to respond to each request within 7-10 working days.

Once a submission is approved, a brief back-and-forth period may occur before content is posted. In some cases, editorial feedback may be given to enhance readability and accessibility. If substantive changes are made, the editors will send the author(s) a final version to review prior to online publication. 

We can't wait to hear from you! Email your submission to us at [email protected]